My Work

I specialize in programming languages for High-Performance Computing, focusing on supercomputers with many-core processors (GPUs). My main research was about programming many-core devices well. For high-performance, you want to program on a low level of abstraction while for ease of programming you want to program on a high level of abstraction. I designed a language that allows you to choose the level of abstraction for your many-core program, providing the best of both worlds.

My passion for open source software and hardware allowed me to work on my most recent project: generating Ikea-style assembly instructions (semi-)automatically for Open Source Hardware. "OSH Automated Documentation" generates these instructions from a textual specification and an annotated CAD file. You can find the website of this package here.

I co-founded the Open Toolchain Foundation, which aims to democratize engineering, making it available to anyone who wants to design, exchange designs, or manufacture products. In order to achieve this, it promotes the adoption and supports the development of tools (software) for designing products, machines, etc. (hardware).

Last year, I participated in the Fab Academy program at Waag's Fab Lab. This program lasts about half a year and each week covers a different topic in the area of digital fabrication. It was a very intense program but I learned an enormous amount, perhaps most notably how much there is still to learn about.
All weeks were very interesting, but the small slide I designed and milled for my son was very satisfying. The design was done in FreeCAD, milling it on a large CNC and note that all this was completed in one week! The design has no screws or nails and I only made one mistake that required some sanding to make a cross beam fit. This page shows more of my Fab Academy work.
Currently, I'm a self-employed software developer and researcher. Do your software challenges require a research-driven approach? Feel free to contact me!